This Week in Solar News

We like to keep our customers informed of new events and developments in solar. Here's the solar news you need to know this week! Oregon solar advocates plot path to 4 GW of solar power in 10 years The Oregon Solar Energy Industries Association (OSEIA) has big plans on the horizon. Their goal is to ensure [...]

2017-03-24T20:09:18-07:00By |Tech News, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Get all the benefits of natural light any time you want

Solar power has plenty of benefits for the environment and your bank account. But with Solatubes, the benefits don't end there. Studies show that natural sunlight can improve your mood, increase your productivity, and have a positive effect on your overall well-being. What if you could bring all those benefits directly into your home? Most [...]

Do I need to wash my solar panels?

Once you have your solar panels installed on your roof you may wonder how often are you supposed to clean them. Being exposed to the elements, you have to take into consideration snow, rain, dust, bird poop... As panels get dirty, their energy output decreases, providing you with less energy. Dust and wind-blown pollen [...]

2017-12-02T21:15:16-08:00By |Uncategorized|Comments Off on Do I need to wash my solar panels?

U.S. Department Of Energy Aims To Power Up New Developing Solar Technologies

The next generation for solar technology development received a huge boost from the U.S. Department of Energy on Monday. $22.7 million was awarded to 23 new solar projects, targeting to significantly reduce the costs of solar installations, and allow for a variety of new solar technologies to become available. These projects focus on improving photovoltaics, grid monitoring, [...]

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